Fred V. Cornwell

Chief Administrative Officer

Fred Cornwell is the Chief Administrative Officer at DeMarche and a member of the Board of Directors and the Executive Committee. He is also a member of the Manager Review Committee (MARC). He provides managerial oversight for operations including manager research, project analysis, portfolio accounting, financial accounting, information technology, compliance, human resources, and marketing. In addition, Mr. Cornwell is a co-leader of the DeMarche Diverse Manager Initiative and serves on the Charity Committee.

Before joining DeMarche, Mr. Cornwell was in private practice as a consultant and provided outsourced financial executive work for organizations in transition. Before that, he was Chief Financial Officer for Midwest Research Institute, where he was responsible for defined benefit plan oversight and interfaced with the audit, finance, and investment committees of the board of directors. His extensive background includes financial roles with Ernst & Young, Deloitte, and Smith Breeden & Associates, among others. He has been active in board work with various local non-profits, serving in various capacities including the chair, director, audit, finance, and operations.

Mr. Cornwell earned his MBA with a concentration in finance from the University of Kansas and his Bachelor of Business Administration with a concentration in business computer systems from the Anderson School of Management at the University of New Mexico. He is a graduate of the Centurions Leadership Program of the Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce.